Anders Sjørslev Schmidt bio photo

Anders Sjørslev Schmidt

MD/PhD-candidate. Health research, clinical cardiology. Having fun using R Statistics for data analysis and visualization.

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My recent activities

  • 03-07-2017 UseR! 2017 - Brussels Very excited to attend the 2017 UseR! conference in Brussels.

  • 28-02-2017 A Killer Presentation
    I hosted at a lecture at Society for Student Medical Research Society about the good research presentation.

  • 14-02-2017 NEW publication:
    Cardioversion efficacy using pulsed biphasic or biphasic truncated expontential waveforms has just been published in JAHA: Journal of the Americian Heart Asssociation!

  • 09-02-2017 Lecture: Stay motivated!
    I held a lecture on motivation behind a research carrier for undergraduate medical students, Aarhus University.

Recent posts

First impressions: Teaching basic R stats

How do we efficiently teach R? How to efficiently teach R has recently become a burning question, as the use of R for statistical computing is growing rapidl...

Welcome to my personal research site

First, welcome to my personal website! I have created this site to share with you: